Hydrangea (January 8 - January 27) People born under the sign of the hydrangea flower believe in themselves and appreciate honesty. They are old fashioned, measured and very attractive. They like to be tucked up in the winter, are very active during the spring, and flourish in June and July.
Visibaba (January 28 - February 14) Those born in the month of Visibaba are under the protection of the great female deity, protector of human and earthly fertility, Baba, so their fragile and gentle nature has a pioneering force that can move the world. They are the favorites of every society. "You're growing into a nasty old lady", doesn't apply to them. Members of this sign are very intuitive. Their most successful period is from December to March. They flourish in January and February.
Lala (February 15 - March 10) "You, Lala, are wonderful and beautiful, but you don't even have the smell of medicine," says the folk song. The country to which the tulip always returns is Holland. Members of this sign rarely express their unrest and problems. They lead a quiet and peaceful life. What they sow from August to November they reap in February.
Day and night (March 11 - April 7) Members of this sign are modest and hardworking, very conscientious. They are good advisers and collaborators. They can be counted on day and night. They are most often employed in emergency services. They bloom twice a year, at the end of winter and at the beginning of summer.
Dandelion (April 8 - April 29) Fickle feelings are best depicted by these souls, similar to male fidelity and female love. Seemingly sane and cool-headed, when it comes to great enthusiasm, they dissipate in no time. Their favorite color is yellow. A good period for dandelions is during March and April, and the flowering occurs in June.
Leo (April 30 - May 10) People born under this sign are very interesting, they are attractive to many public figures, especially people in positions. May is their month and they usually get married in May. They capture the purity of the soul and are recognizable by their ringing laughter. Ten days of May are their five minutes of fame.
Marigold (May 11 - June 5) These people have otherworldly powers and express prophetic dreams. Men wither for women born under this sign. They are very attractive and shrouded in mystery. From May to late autumn is their flowering period.
Rose (June 6 - July 7) Their love is an obsession and they have been lucky since they were young. The environment respects their opinion, they have great authority and are magically attractive, which is not surprising, considering that they say that in heaven, besides basil, there are roses. In winter, it is best for them to rest in order to gather strength for a very active summer.
Sunflower (July 8 - August 2) Those born under this sign have an infinitely warm nature. Men are great lovers with an open and cheerful spirit, happy to be seen in society. They transfer their inner peace to others. Action is preferred at the end of March, they bloom from July to September.
Lily (August 3 - September 8) These people were born under a lucky star, everything about them is about reproduction and prosperity. They are erotic in nature and have intense love feelings. They can achieve great fame. Late summer and early autumn is their best period.
Peony (September 9 - October 7) Those born under this sign are strong personalities. It is said "to be like this flower, red and strong". Peony is a great fighter and support in the family, but these people suffer for their freedom, which is threatened by new difficulties. Their protective color is red. Blooms in May.
Alium (October 8-November 1) These people are great protectors and fighters against all evil. Most of them are among doctors. They are very determined, full of ideas, but special in every way. During the year, all their wishes come true.
Zevalica (October 9 - October 31) Those born under this sign have a dreamy appearance and childlike naive nature. Flirting is not their forte. Introverts are also silent. Sometimes they yawn even in the midst of dramatic events.
Memorial (November 1 - November 21) Unforgettable personalities are born in this sign who love to sacrifice themselves for others. They are excellent at forecasting the weather, and the croaking of frogs soothes them. They flourish in the summer, and they keep memories throughout the year.
Chrysanthemum (November 22 - December 15) People born under this sign love security. They are honorable and honest. They are very friendly, but they like to emphasize their noble origin. They are mostly long-lived. Autumn and winter is their period.
Ornithogalum (December 16 - January 7) Persistent and persevering people, they feel that they are special and want others to confirm it for them. Almost every member of this sign can reach and realize their dreams. They often deal with ornithology, the science of birds. They have tried everything in their life, including the "milk bird". Every period is their time.