- Why is it preferred to order flowers with Teleflora and what quality guarantees are provided?
- Is my personal information safe?
- What credit cards can I use?
- Does Teleflora deliver on Sundays?
- Do you send flowers worldwide?
- What do I get for the offered price?
- Do I pay extra costs?
- Can I expect the same bouquet as the one I see on the photo?
- What if my flowers are not delivered?
- How fast can the flowers be delivered after placing an order?
1. Why is it preferred to order flowers with Teleflora?
Teleflora is well known for its professionalism and its commitment to deliver fresh flowers, unique quality arrangements and high standard service.
Teleflora is dedicated to floral design, to its clients and their satisfaction.
Teleflora is a member of the famous brand Teleflor International , which is the most reliable floral network in the world, covering 185 countries with more than 65.000 partners. With more than 28 years of experience in delivering flowers and flower arrangements worldwide, we promise you complete satisfaction on every order.
Confidentiality is guaranteed at Teleflora.
2. Is my personal information safe?
Your security and privacy are very important to us. All customer information are confidential. Teleflora does not provide customer information to third parties without the customer’s explicit consent.
Ordering flowers in Teleflora online shop is completely safe. Completely secure shopping is provided by Comodo secure, Trustwawe
3. What credit cards can I use?
You can pay your order with payment cards (credit and debit) by Visa, Maestro, Master or Americanexpress. After selecting the arrangement and loging, fill out the form with the information about the recipient , then the payment details with the exact card number.
4. Do you deliver flowers on Sunday?
Flower shops abroad do not usually work on Sunday or during national holidays. Flowers can be delivered by one day before or one day after the delivery date. Delivery of flowers in our country is done all seven days a week, while during national holidays, 14th February and 8th of March , we can not guarantee the exact delivery time. Our clients are informed through our web presentation about opening hours and delivery.
5. Do you send flowers worldwide?
Flower orders to other countries are delivered by a local partner in the chosen country. We deliver flowers to 185 countries worldwide. With the time zones, we need to place the order 1-2 days before the delivery. All orders are handled during business hours. Teleflora flowers speak about love, joy, respect, sympathy... do not forget flowers speak all languages!
6. What do I get for the offered price?
The amount you pay includes the price of the flowers, greenery and accompanying material , as well as delivery charges, card message, bank charges, etc.
7. Do I pay extra costs?
No additional costs, the amount of the ordered arrangement is the amount that will be withdrawn from your account. Delivery fee and service fee are included in the price you see.
8. Can I expect the same bouquet as the one I see on the photo?
The flower arrangement will be as similar as the one you order, with quantity of flowers, colors, style... Although Teleflora always tries to maximize the quality and quantity of flowers, the choice of flowers can vary from country to country, from season to season and could be replaced by similar flowers.
9. What if my flowers are not delivered?
Let us check with our partners (for international orders) within 24 hours or within 2 hours for local ones and we will get back to you by e-mail or phone call with explanation.
If the flowers are not delivered, we will refund your money or we will deliver with an apology bouquet
10. How fast can the flowers be delivered after placing an order?
The flowers are delivered same day in Serbia for orders received until 12:00 PM, (except for Valentine’s Day, Int.Women’s Day) . For international deliveries, your order should be placed at least 1-2 days before delivery (except for Valentine’s Day, Int. Mother’s Day )