Teleflora Florist - Delivery of flowers in Belgrade, Serbia and worldwide is a famous florist based in Belgrade, which has been specializing in fast and reliable flower delivery in Belgrade, throughout Serbia and worldwide since 1995. With many years of experience in the floristry field, our team of experts carefully selects each flower, creating unique arrangements that convey emotions and leave a lasting impression. Whether you want to surprise a loved one in Belgrade, send a token of attention to friends in Serbia, or mark a special moment with loved ones worldwide, is your reliable partner for all occasions.
Let’s celebrate joy!
Jesenji dar
The Ideal Gift
Purple Horizon
Box with field flowers
How to conquer a Sagittarius
Pure Hedonism
Happy Festivities
101 multicolored roses
101 Red & white Roses
Simply Brilliant
101 romantic roses
101 ruža za sreću
101 for love
101 roses in the color of passion
101 Secrets
Gift from the heart
My floral gift
Gift from Nature
Breathtaking Vase
Maintenance of plants
MAINTENANCE OF PLANTS AND FLOWERS Plants and flowers require care and attention throughout the year, so we will...
Maintenance of plants
MAINTENANCE OF PLANTS AND FLOWERS Plants and flowers require care and attention throughout the year, so we will...
Kako oplemeniti prostor
KAKO OPLEMENITI PROSTOR Biljke koje unosimo u naš dom nam donose ono malo prirode i zelenila koje nam...
Kako oplemeniti prostor
KAKO OPLEMENITI PROSTOR Biljke koje unosimo u naš dom nam donose ono malo prirode i zelenila koje nam...
Zašto treba da dragim osobama šaljete žuto cveće? Znamo svi da cveće ima ogromnu moć da izazove...
Zašto treba da dragim osobama šaljete žuto cveće? Znamo svi da cveće ima ogromnu moć da izazove...
Cvetoskopske čarolije
“Kada je mesec u sedmoj kući I Jupiter se poravna sa Marsom Tada će mir voditi planete...
Cvetoskopske čarolije
“Kada je mesec u sedmoj kući I Jupiter se poravna sa Marsom Tada će mir voditi planete...
Dan zaljubljenih
Poruke pisane srcem Ljubav, večita inspiracija pesnika i umetnika, 14. februara preplavi srca ljudi iz svih delova...
Dan zaljubljenih
Poruke pisane srcem Ljubav, večita inspiracija pesnika i umetnika, 14. februara preplavi srca ljudi iz svih delova...
The secret language of flowers Floriography is an exotic name for the art of communicating with different flower...
The secret language of flowers Floriography is an exotic name for the art of communicating with different flower...
TELEFLORA VENČANJA U STILU KRISTININOG VENČANJA Jednog hladnog i mrazovitog januarskog dana za Telefloru je počelo...
TELEFLORA VENČANJA U STILU KRISTININOG VENČANJA Jednog hladnog i mrazovitog januarskog dana za Telefloru je počelo...