Flower delivery
Teleflora Belgrade Flower Delivery
Florist "Teleflora in Belgrade"
In the heart of Belgrade, the "Teleflora" florist offers you the most beautiful bouquets and arrangements for every occasion.
Wide range and quality: Whether you are looking for the perfect bouquet for a birthday, a wedding or simply want to please someone for no particular reason, you will find a diverse assortment of fresh, high-quality flowers with us. Our arrangements are created with love and care, using only the most beautiful flowers from local and international sources.
Fast and reliable delivery: We hope to offer you complete flexibility when it comes to shipping. Our florist delivers flowers throughout Serbia, as well as abroad, with a fast and safe service that ensures that your order will arrive in perfect condition and on time. Whether it's a large city center or a small town, our couriers will do their best to make sure your flowers arrive at your desired address without any hassle.
Personalized approach: We understand that every occasion is special, which is why we offer the possibility of customizing your arrangements. Our friendly and professional team will help you choose the perfect bouquet and customize it according to your wishes and needs.
Visit us: We invite you to visit us in our store in Belgrade, where you will enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and professional advice. If you are in a hurry, you can also contact us by phone or online, and our staff will help you choose the perfect solution for your floral gift.
For all information and orders, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or on our website. With "Teleflora", every moment can become special!
International and domestic orders:
Our head office is located on the street
Svetogorska 11 - 11000 Belgrade.
Our delivery times are:
Weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Our phone numbers:
+381 11 303 0048
+381 62 224 158 Viber