Začinske ili aromatične biljke



Spices or aromatic plants, so-called "herbs" known for their taste and fragrance, have played an important role in the language of flowers since the Victorian era. Thus, basil signifies love; mint or mint purity; rosemary memory; lavender happiness; major joy; melissa enchantment; parsley calls for celebration, and sage for virtue.

Many of the herbs look beautiful, so why not decorate our space before we use them and thus enhance the taste of a dish. They can be grown both in the apartment and on the terrace, but they are always planted in the spring. If you have seeds, it is best to sow them in a sandy substrate, and when the plant sprouts and reaches a height of 5-6 cm, it should be transplanted into a larger container. Of course, there is always a risk that the seeds will not germinate, so it is better to buy already grown plants at the market, which are quite easy to grow. They should be provided with plenty of light and a slightly sandy substrate (one part of the soil with 1/3 sand), because excess water around the roots bothers them. You should not overdo it with watering because excess water reduces the aromaticity of the leaves. In order for the plants to keep their beautiful appearance, it is necessary to pinch the tops and trim them. When they bloom, if the flowers are not decorative, they should be plucked with your fingers, along with the tip of the twig. If you grow them on the terrace or in the garden, perennial plants should be protected with nylon or brought indoors during the winter.

When used for eating. it is important that they are harvested in the morning, when it is sunny, because then their leaves are richer in essential oils, and therefore more fragrant.

Herbs can also be a nice decoration on the table, which can be supplemented with cut flowers. Then you need to place pieces of soaked sponge between the plants, previously wrapped in cellophane, in order to provide a "stand" for the cut plants.

If you wanted to grow some herbs in your kitchen, here are some suggestions:

You can plant your plants in a wall basket, and put pine cones and moss or something similar between them. It is best if you plant the plants in existing pots so that they can be replaced or removed more easily.

If there is room on your kitchen counter, you can make a structure from willow branches. Before attaching the upper part of the structure, use the old, split cups in which you planted the plants, then string those cups through the handles of the structure and finally attach everything together. Don't forget to put some pebbles everywhere on the bottom for drainage.

We suggest some types of herbs that you can easily grow:

Basil, Ocimum basilicum

It comes in various varieties - with wrinkled leaves, with purple leaves, Genoese with intense aromas, dwarf which is only about 15 cm high, etc. It is sown in the spring in a sandy substrate. It should be trimmed as soon as it begins to bloom so that it is not wasted. It is used to add to many dishes, sauces, salads, alone or in combination with other greens. When chopping it raw, it is best to use sharp scissors, because a knife can damage the flying pith that gives it its smell. You can also dry it and store it in hermetically sealed jars.

Mint, Mentha viridis

Herbaceous, perennial species, does not grow taller than 40 cm. It grows well in partial shade, in loose soil mixed with 1/5 sand. It is watered often, but with a small amount of water. Green mint is used as an addition to sauces, toppings for vegetables or chicken, for stir-fries and freshly prepared salads. Of course, you can make tea or make a delicious liqueur from it.

Thyme, Thymus vulgaris

Perennial evergreen plant, which, due to its woody stem, resembles a small bush, 20-30 cm high. It likes the sun and does not need to be watered too much. It is sown in the spring. It is most often used as an addition to various sauces and dishes that are stewed, it gives the smell of game, soups and fish dishes. Tea is also extremely pleasant, improves appetite and cures minor colds.


Balconies are the decoration of houses, they become part of the street and the whole city. Especially if they are flower-enhanced. The type of plants is chosen according to the location of the balcony, and the color of the flowers according to the color and appearance of the house wall. Although the most suitable pots for growing flowers are wooden (pre-impregnated), we equipped one of the terraces with purpose-made unique ceramic pots. The color is neutral and natural.

In a larger container, next to sefflera, ficus and ferns, a fountain fits nicely. Easy adaptation and maintenance made us choose this selection of plants. Evaporation of water from the fountain has a beneficial effect on plants because they cannot tolerate dry air.

The African violet with velvety purple flowers found its ideal habitat in Teleflora's unique ceramic horn.

As an embodiment of the durability of plant power, ivy fits into an unimaginably large number of flower combinations. We choose two. In one, slightly smaller container, there are yellow marigolds, and in the other, a spathiphyllum with an unusual flower that looks like a large white leaf. And in this combination there are daisies that are grateful for maintenance and as such are present on the balconies from May to September.


The plants that we bring into our home bring us that bit of nature and greenery that we so need. A "piece" of greenery brings relaxation and a welcome escape from daily pressures and stress. Provide your favorite plant with everything it needs and you will give yourself a quiet corner in your apartment or office. By observing your plant, you learn several basic and necessary things about it:

  • how much and how often it should be watered

  • humidity in the air is often a very important factor for the plant, as much as humidity in the soil

  • how much light it needs - too little or too much can have a bad effect on its leaves and flowers

  • pot size - some plants need a smaller pot because they have a less developed root system, and some plants need a larger pot in order to grow and develop normally.

  • soil - some plants need a specific soil mix, although most can adapt to bagged mix

  • nutrition - the addition of the right minerals and elements, especially flowering plants, or those whose soil has not been changed or added to for a long time, will certainly be appreciated

  • diseases - they should be treated as soon as possible because the longer we wait, the worse they will be

  • maintenance - removal of damaged and dried or rotten leaves and flowers to prevent spread.

When we learn how to provide optimal conditions for our plant, it will reward us with its beauty and peace.

If you have the conditions and place your plant or composition of plants at the entrance to the house or apartment, you will immediately welcome the visitor. If you have a house, these can be plants that you will plant in front of the entrance or place them next to the door in a jar or similar. In the apartment, if you have a bright hallway, a plant arrangement can immediately welcome visitors upon entering.

The style of plant arrangements can be very different depending on the purpose or occasion if you are giving it as a gift. Cut flowers, dry flowers, and accessories from nature can also be added. Of course, the choice of the vessel is very important for the appearance of the arrangement, because it is an integral part of the arrangement and important for composition and balance.

If you need a decoration for the table, whether everyday or for a festive occasion, we suggest you opt for a combination with mini plants planted in a wooden container with the addition of moss, pebbles and some branches or stumps.

Such arrangements are also suitable as a gift, and some varieties of plant arrangements are often given to men as well.

Plants can be combined with artificial flowers, especially if you don't have the conditions for floral decorative plants. Of course, you should choose the highest quality varieties of artificial flowers to make it as harmonious as possible.

Also, plants can be arranged with dry flowers. For example, if the plant is planted in a simpler container, you can cover it with ears of grain and straw or dried flowers. Sometimes a simple bouquet of dry grass or similar. can change the appearance of the plant.

Of course, it is most beautiful when we combine plants with cut flowers and details from nature, which is becoming more and more popular, because that way we have something that will remain when the cut flowers wither.

Make sure that the surface of the soil in the pots is loose, to facilitate the passage of water and the breathing of the roots. When the temperature allows it, you can take your plants to the terrace. 

If the terrace is too sunny, you can protect the plants with an awning or a mat. You can fill the planters on the terrace with geraniums (muscatels) or some of the seedlings that are more and more abundant in the markets. 
We want you to enjoy nature as much as possible and to enrich your living and working space with it.

This is our favorite plant and we often give it away. First of all, it is a beautiful, elegant plant, which is easy to grow indoors. It is native to the tropical parts of America and Malaysia, and the name comes from the specific shape of the flower, which consists of a spatula (the true flower) and a spathe - a white leaf that wraps the flower. Probably because of that protection sheet, the gifted spathiphyllum says: I will defend you.

African violet
It originates from the tropical regions of Africa. Saintpaulia was named after its discoverer, German baron Walter von St. Paul in Equatorial Africa. The famous violets from Kilamanjaro were used to decorate the festive table. It is a perennial plant with hairy leaves that grow directly from its roots. The flowers are velvety, purple, pink, white or marshmallow colored. It usually blooms in summer.

It is looking for a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Reduce watering in winter. Throughout the summer they can be outdoors, in the shade, sheltered from wind and heavy rain.

To dream of a violet means happiness in love and a good period of life.


Plants and flowers require care and attention throughout the year, so we will draw your attention to certain months when your plants require a little more effort.

March is the month when you can remove all winter protection from the plants on your balconies. Plants sown in autumn or winter can be transplanted into boxes or pots. Check how the climbers are tied and repair the supports if they have been damaged by frost.
When it comes to the garden, this is the first active month of the year. The most suitable time for planting roses. They should be planted in soil that is rich in nutrients.
The rose likes to be surrounded by flowers that are not superior to her. It is in good harmony with lavender, dwarf sage, diaper, and vetiver. Climbing roses go well with the blue flowers of clematis. The hole in which you will plant the rose must be deep enough, the neck of the root should be about 15mm below the surface of the soil.

In April, potted plants should be refreshed with a little new soil, previously digging the surface of the soil so that a crust does not form that makes it difficult for water to pass through.
Twice a week, spray the leaves with water that is not too cold, control the lower plates, so that stagnant water does not collect in them, which can harm the roots of the plant.
On the balcony, on the boxes in which the plants are sown, place a net on which the sun shield is hung, which should protect the most delicate species. It is very light, usually made of some plastic material, and four sticks stuck in the corners of the box are enough to hold it.


In May, pay attention that your indoor pots are never exposed to drafts, even when it is very hot, as temperature differences harm them. But they will enjoy being washed by spring rain. The rain will wash their leaves and enrich them with oxygen. Just in May, ants can appear in your garden. They know how to be a real temptation. You will show them in a nice way that they are not wanted if you plant a velvet plant.

Although cacti and succulents require less care and feeding, once a month you should add a little cactus fertilizer. There are few plants that can tolerate direct sunlight. Flowering plants prefer northeast or northwest (to have a lot of light, but not to be directly exposed to the sun). Water the flowers in the boxes on the balcony daily, and twice a day during warm and sunny days. Myrrh, basil, parsley, chervil... and other herbs can decorate your balcony and make it fragrant.

Given that July is, as a rule, a month of high temperatures and little precipitation, watering is one of the most important care measures. You can also mow the lawn not too low and not too often.

In order for roses to bloom continuously, it is necessary to water them, less often but abundantly. The leaves should not be wet so that diseases do not appear.
Plants on terraces, roofs, and windows should be watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Overbloomed flowers should be removed to form new ones.

Fertilize the plants once a week, and mineral fertilizer should be added to the watering water for indoor plants once every 15 days.


The flowers of many garden plants that are blooming right now can dry out. They should not be overripe, and they should be removed from the stem when they are not moist. The plants are hung up to dry, preferably in the attic.
After flowering, cut off the flowers of roses. The rose is pruned at least above the first petiole, which guarantees flowering.


Indoor plants are no longer brought out into the rain, because the rainwater is too cold, so it can harm the leaves.
Lilies that bloom from June to July are now being planted. The depth at which they are planted depends on the variety and is 8 to a maximum of 15 cm. Lilies like a slightly shady habitat. Varieties that are grown in our climate, i.e. that are favored by our climate, can stay in the ground for years and bloom more and more beautifully every year. In many regions, the late warm summer is called Michaelmas or Babli summer, and it is characterized by the shimmering thin webs that young spiders weave everywhere at this time. Although these animals are not pretty at first glance, they can be considered useful in the garden, as they are natural enemies of pests. In addition, the construction of a spider's web is a true work of art of nature and a pleasure to observe. Although herbs prefer heat, it does not mean that they cannot be grown in winter. Sow them or plant them in pots or boxes, which you will place in a cold but bright place where they will not be affected by frost. Rosemary can be grown in a pot for years. It can also be grown in the kitchen if it is watered regularly.


Remove annual plants that have finished their flowering cycle from their pots and plant tubers of spring-blooming perennials in them. Start by covering the lower parts of the most sensitive plants (with peat or straw). Place less resistant species on the sunniest and most sheltered part of the balcony. Decorative squash and pumpkins are being harvested now. They are not used for eating, but for decorating the terrace or rooms in the house.

Calla lilies bloom until October. Now it doesn't need to be watered anymore.

The winter sleep of cacti and broad-leaved plants begins in autumn. They don't need to be watered anymore, at least not like before, nor should they be fertilized. They should spend the winter in a cold place, but without the risk of frost. In a warm room, these plants would not have a dormant period.


Indoor plants are watered less to prevent rotting and wilting.
To give the leaves a brilliant shine, get special sprays for shine. When spraying, keep it at a distance of about 30 cm from the plant.


For watering and spraying the leaves, water that has stood for a while is used.